About me

Hi! I’m Teymur.

I live in The Netherlands 🇳🇱 with my girlfriend and cat 🐈‍⬛. I am passionate about cooking, experimenting with different types of foods and create/cook new delicious food recipes. In my free time I also like to experiment with new pastry recipes with less sugar.

How I learned cooking?

I learned cooking and most of the “kitchen stuff” from my mother by observing her while she was cooking. My mothers recipes were inspired by recipes she found in magazines, cookbooks and morning cooking TV shows but she always added her own unique touch to it.

When I was a child my mother used to bring me to the Big Bazaar in Baku, back then it was called the Green Bazaar and she taught me how to select the best vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, seasonings etc. and what to pay attention to while selecting the products. Sometimes, she would let me do it and observe me so I could learn. Of course she also taught me how to negotiate prices 😁.

Normally I was not allowed to make food at home but when my mother was not there I liked to challenge myself in the kitchen. Usually I change recipes by instinct and by imagination. Most of time the results are mind blowing, sometimes I fail and learn from it. You already might have noticed I love ginger, garlic, the golden powder(curcuma) and herbs, if not yet you will soon.

How I Became Vegetarian?

When I still lived in Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 somewhere in the back of my mind I was playing with the thought that one day I might become vegetarian. I did not expect that it would happen this fast. When I met my girlfriend she was already vegetarian. By time, while we spent time together I consumed less and less meat products. A year later, I decided to stop consuming meat products. Big thanks to her, she expedited the process of me becoming vegetarian.

In the beginning, when I made vegetarian food for us, I took the most filling part( the meat) out of our meal. Even though the food was tasty, it was lacking nutritions and had less proteins. Later, my girlfriend explained about the nutritions and shared her favourite vegetarian recipes with me. A year later we completely followed a vegetarian diet and tried out a lot of tasty recipes.

Why I Became Vegetarian?

The way we treat animals is completely sad frustrating and unnecessary for me. Most of the animal product producers show in their advertisements happy animals but in reality the opposite is happening. When I imagine the scale of the meat production and consumption, that makes me crazy.

Passion to make food and feeding people

I am quite passionated to make food, probably it comes from my mother and to her from her mother. They loved to make food and feed people. Nowadays, I also love to make a lot of different types of foods, salads and pastries then gather friends or families and feed them.

Why this Vegetarian Food Blog?

As a vegetarian you must plan your diet to stay healthy and full of energy. Weekly or monthly food planning will keep you healthy and energetic, in the meantime it will save money and decrease food waste.

As vegetarians we make our weekly vegetarian food planning (during the winter almost monthly) where we pay attention to nutritions, proteins, vitamines etc. in order to stay in good health condition. A good food planning takes time and energy. Therefore, I decided to share with you our vegetarian recipes and weekly planning.

MyVeggieDiet.com – As you noticed from the blog name, I am eager to share my vegetarian diet with you.

How I Make Best Vegetarian Recipes

I have made and tested all recipes I shared with you. I only can recommend recipes I have made, tested, tested, loved and researched about. In this food blog you can NOT find any recipe what I have not made myself (!!).

Some recipes in myveggiediet.com are family recipes (all sharing the same secret ingredient – love 😉 ), some are inspired from recipes I found in magazines where I replaced the meat products with a different source of proteins and nutritions and some recipes came from vegetarian cookbooks. But just like my mother, I always add some personal touch to the recipes.
